Friday, 26 September 2014


I was over at my parents' place, playing IT support for my dad when my mom came in, showing me a bunch of knitting patterns for baby clothes. My dad tried to shoo her out, but my mother replied with urgency that I only had just over three months before my sister was due, and as my sister doesn't knit it's important I knit something for the baby. Not that I wasn't thinking about knitting something anyway, I've just not done much knitting recently. My morganite cardigan has been at a standstill for months (this just happens to coincide with me hitting the complicated part of the pattern), and I haven't had any other projects on the go as I felt I should finish the cardigan before I start something else. I have too many UFOs as it is.

But you heard my mom! If I'm gonna knit something (and still have time to make Christmas presents!), I had to get started. So I started a baby blanket, and decided to go for Pickle's Little Star Baby Blanket in all yellow, using Drop's Baby Merino. It's so soft! It took me a couple of lines to really get the pattern, but now I'm on a bit of a roll and I'm about halfway through. I think the hardest and most time consuming part so far has actually been making the foundation stitches--somehow I really struggled to estimate enough yarn to count out 99 stitches and had to do this twice haha. Numbers have never been my strong point.


  1. I wish I could knit, I am pretty sure
    this blanket will turn out amazing.
    The pattern already looks so nice. :)

  2. Åh, det så deilig ut! Heldig den babyen som får det der! Tusen takk for hyggelige kommentarer inne hos meg og beklager at jeg er så treg til å svare og ikke følger så godt med, men jeg satser på at det bedrer seg nå når kveldene har blitt litt mørkere. Du spurte om ca-pris for gulvjobben. Vi betalte 30 000,- for sliping og behandling totalt. Så det kostet det samme som det ville gjort om vi kjøpte nytt gulv og la det selv. Nå har jeg forresten lagt ut bilder fra ferien min også. Og jeg ser du har lagt ut noe lenger ned her, jeg gleder meg til å kikke på de, men det blir nok en annen kveld. God ny uke til deg! Klem L

  3. Åå.. skulle ønske jeg også kunne strikke :) Utrolig skjønt teppe! Ja alle barn må få strikketing, hehe. Har fått både teppe, jakke, bukse, votter og sokker til min.
