Thursday 4 October 2018


Ok, this project has taken me an embarrassing amount of time to finish, and I don't even really know why. The curtains and the rods were bought way back in autumn 2016. Can we just stop and let that sink in? Why in the world would it take anyone almost two years to hang up some curtains? I wish I had a good answer haha.

There was a lot of back-and-forthing involved, of course. First, I pinned the curtains and hung up one to test it and decided I didn't like the length. Then that one curtain panel (in the wrong length) hung on the right by the door for far too long, until one day I (I think it was me? I don't even think I can blame the dog or the toddler here?) managed to step on it while I was letting the dog out which resulted in the rod getting pulled off the wall. That one panel in the wrong length migrated to the middle of the rod to semi-shield us from the sun as it sets, and then it just sat like that for even longer. I guess they were never really a priorty as we had a lot of trees and bushes at the back of our garden, but then this summer a lot of them were removed which made it feel a little bit more needed. So that's when I finally decided enough was enough, got Graeme to fix the curtain rod and then sat down to sew.

It wasn't smooth sailing from there either though, of course. The first panel went ok. I decided that I didn't like the look of the long loops at the top, so I folded them over and sewed them in place and then re-pinned the bottom accordingly. But when I tried to repeat the process for curtain panel number two, I learnt that it was a good 5 cms shorter than the first panel! Luckily I pinned and did a test hang before I actually sewed anything! The third curtain turned out to be even shorter, so I had to repeat the process there too. So if you look closely (please, don't haha), you can see that the hemming on the bottom looks completely different on all three panels haha. Luckily, it isn't actually noticable at all though, so it doesn't bother me. I'm just really glad to finally have these curtain panels up haha.

For now I really like it like this, as I love these big windows and I don't like a whole lot of fabric obstructing the view. I don't have any curtains on the opposing windows for that exact reason. Maybe I'll change my mind on it in the future? Just give me like 10 years or something?

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