I'm loving my ever-growing collection of photo albums, and this is my latest addition. I have a long to do list of photo books I plan on making, and I finally sat down last yaer and finished up this one from when Graeme and I went on a trip to Dublin back in 2012 (which feels like a lifetime ago!).
Photo books are probably my favorite way of preserving memories, and I love how flipping through this takes me right back to that little trip. All these little memories come flooding back; like struggling to find vegetarian food for Graeme (he was still a vegitarian back then!); getting caught out by snow and seeking shelter by going to watch the Hunger Games at the movies; sitting in a pub in Temple Bar where some girl was singing Sinaed O'Connor covers and thinking, yup, we are definitely in Ireland. :)
Like the Athens album, this one was also printed in a softcover (I ordered them both at the same time), and I'm still not really sure if I like that or not. This is also a relatively short album, and I feel the softcover just kinda makes it feel even less substantial? I dunno. I'll probably order a hardback next time. And I'm probably also totally overthinking this haha. One day, when I have a whole library full of these, I doubt I'll actually care.
Looking through these albums always get me so excited about travel (even though we just came back from a trip haha). Anyone off to anywhere exciting any time soon? We have a few loose plans that I think we need to finalize pronto!

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