I love my Diana F+. And while I love using 120 film for it (like here and here), it can be both pricy and difficult to buy in Stavanger, never mind getting it developed. This was the argument I used to justify buying a 35 mm back. I'd get much better use out of my dear Diana F+, right? Not only would it be cheaper and easier with 35 mm film, I would also be able to take more then 10-12 pictures before my film was finished.
The Diana F+ 35 mm back kit also comes with four different frames, which means you can choose between four different photo formats, including square and panoramic, and with or without sprocket holes. Exciting! For my first attempt at using the 35 mm back, I went for the 33x48 mm "Panoramic with perforations" frame. Here's a couple of the photos I took:
These were all taken on mine and Graeme's road trip through Europe earlier this summer, more specifically from Bruges, Antwerp and Dunkirk. One thing I realized after I had started the film though, was that a lot of photo developers aren't actually able to develop the photos with the sprocket holes, as not all scanners pick them up. Luckily, the photo place I went to managed all right!
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