Saturday, 3 October 2015


Woosh, September is gone! How did that happen? And crap, it's less than two weeks til Graeme's birthday and I have no idea what to get him yet. Suggestions!?

September highlights include the opening of Nuart Festival 2015, celebrating our first month of marriage, and a lovely weekend at my parents cabin at the South of Norway, where we visited Farsund and had some ice cream in the sunshine. We also bought a New car this month, and obviously had to mark that occasion with some ice cream too. I don't think I ate enough ice cream this summer, so I'm clearly making up for it this autumn.

Plans for October include harvesting the apples and the plums in the garden, cooking lots of roasts like this and this, baking these (need to test out that creme brûlée burner we got for our wedding!), starting my Christmas present making and a weekend trip to Prague! Travel tips are very welcome!