Wednesday, 11 December 2013


So last week we had a pretty intense storm going on that caused a bit of destruction. Roofs blew off and Stavanger was completely shut down. We don’t normally get storm that bad around here! When the storm finally quieted down though, we were left with blue skies and the most wonderful winter wonderland. I find it very hard to stay inside when it’s snowy outside, so I took my camera out for a little adventure with Bo. As I mentioned in my last post, I’m trying to make more of an effort to take photos in winter!

These photos are all from around my neighborhood, where I usually walk my dog. However, the woods I usually take her to were taped off due the fallen trees. I let my curiosity reign, ignored the tape and went to explore the aftermath of the storm.

These trees are right next to a row of houses (that were missed by about 5 meters), so it must have been pretty intense in there when the trees were falling. Even a poor little birdhouse had felt the wrath of the wind! Since everything was covered in snow though, it almost looked like the trees had always been like that. I guess the storm felt bad about all the destruction it had caused and tried to cover it up. Sadly, most of this snow has already rained away now though. Fingers crossed we get more snow before Christmas!