So! October was pretty outdoorsy, with walks in the woods, a hike to the Pulpit Rock and trips to the cabin. We also went to Berlin for Graeme's 30th, a surprise gift from me to him, and we celebrated Oscar's first halloween which included pumpkin carving and him dressed as an ewok.
November didn't have the greatest weather, so it was all about being cozy indoors. It included lots of knitting (I knitted my first ever sweater! Which I'm actually currently wearing as I type!), and in general just enjoying my maternity leave and hanging out with Oscar.
The past couple of years I've made whole albums just about December (you can see the first one here and the second one here), but since I was already making this album I felt it wasn't really necessary. We decorated our tree, made a gingerbread house village, and spend as much time as we possibly could just enjoying the holidays. For some reason though, I basically didn't take any photos during our actual Christmas celebration! D'oh!
I feel like I say this in every post, but this has been such a smooth project to finish. Since I was using instagram photos and a mini album with square pockets, all I really had to do was print out my photos and add whatever embellishments I wanted. But am I making a 2017 album like this one? Yes and no. I am making a 2017 album (I've already kinda started it!), but it will be a photo book rather than a scrap book. I do however have a ton of scrapbooking supplies right now, so no doubt I'll start another project soon!

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