February has been pretty cold, but the daylight is finally starting to stick around for a bit which makes a world of a difference. We had an awesome weekend trip to Sirdal with some friends, which was a winter wonderland. We had the best weather, Graeme and I got lots of cross country skiing done (complete with hot cocoa breaks), and lots of board games were played. I also reached the 30 week mark, and completed a couple of projects for the little one.
Plans for March include hopefully finally finish off our bedroom so we can move back into it! It's taking way longer than expected, but we got the window replaced last week, so hopefully we're nearing the end. Easter break is also coming up, but I think we'll mostly be staying at home. I suggested taking a short trip to Stockholm, but then Graeme pointed out that a) flying might not be the best idea when you're a month off your due date, and b) if we did, we'd run the risk of the baby being born on Swedish soil if he decided to come early. I immediately imagined myself in labor, essentially reenacting that scene from 30 Rock, panicking and trying to get across the border back to Norway haha. Easter break at home it is!
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