Monday, 24 June 2013


If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen a series of pictures from our recent journey from Scotland to Norway. In order to move our dog Bo from the UK to Norway, we decided it would be easiest/cheapest/best for Bo to drive her over. She’s a nervous dog and transporting her by plane ended up seeming a lot more hassle then what it was worth. And if we were driving over, we figured we’d be able to load up the car and take a chunk of our stuff over too. So we got Bo a passport, filled the car with as much stuff as we could, and embarked on our journey. Graeme was the driver, I was the DJ/documentary maker/dog watcher/navigator (in that order). In order to make the trip more of a holiday and less of a drive for hours and hours on end, we stopped in quite a few cities throughout Europe. Bo has now become quite the worldly dog, having gone for walks and sniffed butts all over Europe (check out the hashtags #botravels or #boview on instagram).

We ended up travelling a total of 1,580 miles (over 2,540 km) starting off in Scotland and going through England, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark before we boarded the ferry to Norway. You’d think going through a total of 8 countries in 5 days would have left us feeling a bit travelled out, but I think if anything it just gave us a taste for more!

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


So with only one out of the weeks in May being a full work week this year because of all the public holidays, May absolutely flew by. I spent a week in Glasgow and managed to catch up with some old friends and spend a lot of time with Graeme and Bo. Also celebrated Norway Day in Edinburgh, went to a beer tasting at Lervig Aktiebryggeri, got a new haircut, visited the Ullandhaug tower (aka Toothbrush Tower) and worked at the Stavanger Live festival. Busy, busy!

With our upcoming road trip around Europe, I have a feeling June is going to fly by as well!